About Head Start
What is Head Start?
Head Start is a comprehensive early childhood development program serving low-income children from ages three to five and their families. Head Start is a federally funded program that is operated by a local entity. The Port Arthur Independent School District is a grantee for Head Start serving the Port Arthur area. Children who attend Head Start participate in school-readiness curriculum that includes literacy, language, science, mathematics, and social-emotional development. They also receive medical and dental services, have healthy meals and snacks, and enjoy playing safely indoors and outdoors.
In addition to the educational services, family involvement is at the core of our success. Head Start families can take part in the classroom as a volunteer, help with classroom projects, and even help develop curriculum. Elected family members take part in our Policy Council, a board that partners with staff members in decision-making responsibilties for the program. Families can participate in trainings in areas such as parenting, job training, health and nutrition, as well as learn about other resources in our community.
Benefits of Head Start
Numerous studies have confirmed time and again that a child's learning begins at birth. For children living in poverty, quality pre-kindergarten education such as provided by Head Start is crucial in establishing life-long healthy patterns and development. Because experiences between birth and age five shape a child for life, the quality of the child's environment, social interactions, and learning experiences during those years is critical.
Some info obtained from http://www.saltlakeheadstart.org/about-us/what-is-head-startearly-head-start/