Head Start Educational Coordinator
Miss Natasha Jones
(409) 984-8750 x8752
Hello, my name is Natasha Jones. I am the Educational Coordinator/Supervisor here at Wheatley School of Early Childhood Programs.
I really enjoy working with young children. They are curious, inquisitive, honest, and funny. I worked directly with pre-k children for 16 years, now I assist teachers in being the best teacher they can be to help children become productive students and productive citizens.
One of my favorite quotes: An empty wagon makes a lot of noise.
Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. Degree Interdisciplinary Studies
M.S. Degree Human Sciences
Specialization Early Childhood
Principal Certification
T-TESS Certified
CLASS Reliable
Wheatley Campus
Main Number
(409) 984-8750
Nurse's Office Direct
(409) 984-8762